====== Setting Bridge Virtualizor Almalinux ====== Tutorial berikut ini adalah mensetting bridge di almalinux atau centos 8 $ nmcli con add ifname viifbr0 type bridge con-name viifbr0 //Connection 'br0' (892869fe-f8ac-4f17-ace9-b8aeeeee61a0) successfully added. //### Link Bridge Interface to Real Interface (enp0s25 on this recipe) $ nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname enp0s25 master viifbr0 //Connection 'bridge-slave-enp0s25' (33ee8c62-48d8-4789-97df-604c479b6860) //successfully added. //### Remove Spanning Tree Configuration $ nmcli con modify viifbr0 bridge.stp no //### Bring Down previous Ethernet (Wireless or Cable-linked) Connection, associated with bridged interface (enp0s25 on this recipe): $ nmcli con down wired-direct //### Bring Up the new Bridge Interface: $ nmcli con up viifbr0 //### Restart NetworkManager Service $ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service $ nmcli networking off; nmcli networking on Sumber : https://gist.github.com/frjaraur/7bad30cedc484486efd3ba5d12362bec