Suatu saat mungkin anda ingin mengcopy data domain tertentu ke akun hosting lainya, maka berikut ini adalah panduan untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
Setelah data anda pindahkan ke public_html otomatis data bisa diakses secara umum. Maka sekarang silahkan login ke akun dimana anda ingin mengcopykan file backup tersebut.
Untuk mendownload file anda bisa membuat file downloader dengan cara berikut ini.
<?php /** * Copy remote file over HTTP one small chunk at a time. * * @param $infile The full URL to the remote file * @param $outfile The path where to save the file */ function copyfile_chunked($infile, $outfile) { $chunksize = 10 * (1024 * 1024); // 10 Megs /** * parse_url breaks a part a URL into it's parts, i.e. host, path, * query string, etc. */ $parts = parse_url($infile); $i_handle = fsockopen($parts['host'], 80, $errstr, $errcode, 5); $o_handle = fopen($outfile, 'wb'); if ($i_handle == false || $o_handle == false) { return false; } if (!empty($parts['query'])) { $parts['path'] .= '?' . $parts['query']; } /** * Send the request to the server for the file */ $request = "GET {$parts['path']} HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $request .= "Host: {$parts['host']}\r\n"; $request .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n"; $request .= "Keep-Alive: 115\r\n"; $request .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($i_handle, $request); /** * Now read the headers from the remote server. We'll need * to get the content length. */ $headers = array(); while(!feof($i_handle)) { $line = fgets($i_handle); if ($line == "\r\n") break; $headers[] = $line; } /** * Look for the Content-Length header, and get the size * of the remote file. */ $length = 0; foreach($headers as $header) { if (stripos($header, 'Content-Length:') === 0) { $length = (int)str_replace('Content-Length: ', '', $header); break; } } /** * Start reading in the remote file, and writing it to the * local file one chunk at a time. */ $cnt = 0; while(!feof($i_handle)) { $buf = ''; $buf = fread($i_handle, $chunksize); $bytes = fwrite($o_handle, $buf); if ($bytes == false) { return false; } $cnt += $bytes; /** * We're done reading when we've reached the conent length */ if ($cnt >= $length) break; } fclose($i_handle); fclose($o_handle); return $cnt; } copyfile_chunked('', 'namafile.tar.gz'); ?>
Setelah proses selesai dan file backup sudah masuk ke akun hosting baru anda, maka selanjutnya pindahkan file ke folder backup. caranya ikuti tahapan berikut ini :
Penting Biasanya anda perlu melakukan penyesuaian username dan password database setelah proses restore selesai.