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Script Delete Queue Berdsarkan Penerima

Berikut ini adalah contoh script delete exim queue berdsarkan penerima, script ini belum dicoba. gunakan dengan resiko sendiri


if [ $1 ]; then
echo "`exim -bpru | tr '\n' + | sed -e "s/++/=/g" | tr -d + | tr = '\n' | grep "$1" | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm | wc -l` E-Mails deleted"
echo "If you want to delete ALL the `exim -bpc` E-Mails on mail queue, give this command:"
echo "exim -bpru | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm"
echo ""
echo "If you want to delete only mails with an specific sender/recipient, use:"
echo "$0 [sender/recipient]"



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directadmin/exim/delete-queue-script.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/14 23:03 by kbadmin

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